Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Back Home In NY (for the week)

29 Sept 08
New York

Flew home today - seems like it took me 3 days to get here, but I am finally here. Mum is doing well and I am pleased to see that for myself. So I have some things to do this week and have to help Mum with some errands, but other than that - not much going on out here! I am missing the ship BIG TIME!! It is amazing how sickly addicted to ship life we can be ...

Anyway, so back tracking to Sat - took some pics around the ship during the day .. mostly of Deck 14 which is our Lido (pool) deck. What a mess!!!

Later that night we headed off the ship and into the city to Fishermans Wharf - I was soo excited .. I love it down there! But before we left the dockyard, I took a bunch of pics of the ship propped up in the dry dock. Take notice of the last pic in this set; that is how high we need to climb *every* time we want to go back onto the ship!! 5 stories up and there is no lift!! Ugh! (luckily it does get a little easier every time)

When we got out of the dockyard, we took the crew shuttle to Union Square and then got on the Powell-Hyde Cable Car down to Fisherman's Wharf. It took a little time, but it was a good experience for everyone since they had never been to San Fran (I had been 2 summers ago with Kim on vacation) We got down there, walked around a bit and then went to Boudin's Bistro for dinner (they are the company that has the BEST sourdough in San Fran!) Was a FABulous dinner ... soooooo damn good. (especially considering how bad the food is during dry dock on the ship - if you want to eat something that is supposed to be hot, too bad - its not!) Ick. Anyway once we were ready to head back to the ship, while we were waiting for a cab, a stretch limo pulled up and I asked how much to take the 5 of us back .. it was $50 .. so $10 a piece - CHEAP! (a cab would have been more like $70 with the meter running) So we jumped in the stretch and back to the ghetto dry dock yard we went LOL. Here are the pics from that night:

On Sunday, Andrea Ina and I went to the San Fran Zoo - I was all proud of myself for figuring out how to get there the cheapest - shuttle to Union Square, walk 3 blocks to Market and get on the L Metro to the zoo - all for $3 per person round trip :) The zoo was really good even if it was cold (damn SF fog!) We all enjoyed ourselves and I got sooo excited b/c I found out they had Meerkat's!! Kim and I wanted to go see them in some other CA zoo 2 yrs ago .. but it was too far away .. so I was sooo freaking excited they had them there now! YAY! So sorry for so many pics of them, but they are just to darn cute!!

When I got back from the zoo the crew office said I needed to go clear immigration since I was disembarking the ship - so someone from the port had to drive me all the way to SF airport. Turns out it was for nothing as when I got there, no one seemed to know why I would need to be there since I am a US citizen. What a mess and a waste of time! It was very frustrating!!

Went up to the Wardie at about 9pm - it was packed!! Lots of people were out .. and a lot stayed out since they said it was my last night with them for the next week .. so needless to say I drank too much, stayed up too late and then Andrea and I were being funny and causing trouble on Deck 10 on the way home .. uh oh :) hee hee

Got up at 5am this morning and had to get off the ship (and lug my suitcase down the 5 stories - thank goodness it was small and light - not sure what I am going to do about the way back when I have more stuff with me!! Yikes!) Got into Philly with only 40 mins to make my connection which of course was 3 terminals away .. but made it in time and landed in NY a bit early. Got picked up by my stepmom, Aunt and youngest brother. Went to get some dinner as I was starved, then they dropped me off at my Mom's house. Been hanging with Mum all evening till she went to bed and now with the time difference, I dont want to go to sleep. But I am going to finish this post, and I am sure when I get into the bed, I will be out like a light in minutes :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

If you're going, to San Francisco ..

27 Sept 08
Dry Dock - San Francisco

So we are finally here .. it had been a rough 2 days at sea (as I mentioned before)

Anyway we got in yesterday morning but didnt get into the dock till later in the am .. gangways werent even ready till 6pm last night. And I use the term "gangway" lightly - more like a freaking plank of wood!

So here are a few pics from the party in the wardie during the sea days, as well as the one night we played Uno (I had to teach the brits LOL)

Friday morning we planned to get up early to watch us sail under the Golden Gate Bridge, so we didnt make it a late night on Thursday .. the normal 1am I guess. There was a bunch of us who got up and then went to the observation deck above the bridge. It was chilly out, but very cool to sail under it. I have been there before, but never coming in like that on a ship! My pics are a bit blurry as evn though I was steady, the ship still moved. But you can still tell what it is for sure!

Golden Gate Bridge:

Yesterday we just hung out and sat on deck for a little sunshine - it was actually quite hot yesterday .. it was glorious! Just needed a margarita and it would have been perfect :) Watched them crane off a few crew members who were leaving and had to get off before the gangways were ready (they are employed by Princess and were being signed off - unlike me who was going home voluntarily) It was funny to watch! Last night we headed into the city - we had to wait like 30 min to get off the ship as they wouldnt let anyone off the ship without a hard hat and goggles. It was such a pain in the ass and they only had like 100 hats or something. We did get some funny pics though. We just went to get something to eat .. I hadnt had a chance to do my research of where we were being dropped off. The clubs were expensive and we werent close enough to the Wharf to walk there. We made it back to the last shuttle back to the ship .. they really packed us all on - I ended up sitting on top of the little cubby hole for the toilet! LOL The walk back to the ship and then climbing back up onto it was a pain in the ass - especially in heels! F*** that - never again! I will take pics tonight or tomorrow of the ridiculous gangway and how we have to climb down from the ship. (tho seeing the ship in a real dry dock is cool as hell)

Pics from yesterday:

We are planning to go to the Wharf for dinner tonight - I was able to do my research so I know we can take the cable car from Union Square where the shuttle drops us off, down to the Wharf. Tomorrow Andrea and I are going to go to the Zoo. I am excited about that! Then Monday morning I am heading home for a week. Better get packing up the stuff I am taking home!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Talk About "Batten Down the Hatches"

25 Sept 08

Well holy crap!!! (said Peanut style of course)

We left Seattle yesterday and everything was fine .. about dinner time tho the winds started to pick up and the ship started to really sway. I was laying down and Andrea called me for dinner (we are always together now - its like WE are dating .. LOL) and when I got up I was like "whoa!!!" the ship was sooo un-steady. We were bouncing all over the place .. it was bad up where my cabin is on Deck 10 Fwd (basically right on the bow) By the time I got down to her cabin I was really feeling it and it wasnt pleasant! :(

Captain made an annoucement that we were in a very heavy head wind and that we needed to stay off all the upper and outdoor decks because we have so much stuff on the decks. (construction stuff, etc) It didnt sound like they knew about this since they would have secured it much sooner.

At dinner we noticed that we had stopped and were no longer rocking as bad. Turns out we had to stop and then change direction to get the ship to stop rocking as much .. because there was so much crap sliding around, and the 'movies under the stars' screen was looking like it was going to fall!!! Holy crap - could you imagine?!?! It was only put in the day before .. 5 million dollars for the tv, screen and sound system .. OMG!!!

It was a little better after we had stopped - but I still went and laid down. I took a dramamine just in case .. (only the 2nd time I have ever needed to) I felt much better after I snoozed for a bit.

Kay called me around 7.30 to see when I was going to go up to the wardie - so I picked her up on my way around 9pm. It was a normal wardie night ... the usual suspects (ok well, minus a LOT of them since they all went home .. booo hooo)

I was up there till about 1am then came home and passed out! I was up a lot b/c the ship was doing some serious rocking in the wee hours of the morning and I had a headache. Ugh. So needless to say, I spent the day in bed .. in and out of napping .. watched tv, would nap, then went to lunch, then back in bed to watch some more tv and then nap. That went on until dinner .. it was kind of nice actually. I really need to do laundry .. but I couldnt be assed today.

Tomorrow Andrea, Val and I are getting up at 5am to watch us sail under the Golden Gate for the first sail under it .. then of course we will go back to bed LOL!! Of course I will take pics :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We're On Our Way

24 Sept 08
leaving Seattle WA

So we are finally on our way .. heading to San Fran for dry dock. Had to make a change to my plans to come home as we were not expected to get into the dry dock till late on Friday .. so I would have never made my 1pm flight on that day. It was too expensive to fly on the weekend, so I am staying till Monday. I will be back a week later - so its all good.

Today is pretty quiet - had a lie in and then watched The Notebook (for the 75th time!) and then finally got out of bed at noon, showered and went for some lunch. I am not sure why I was hungry, considering Andrea and I got up at 5.30am this morning to go for a McDonalds run before the ship pulled the gangways!! LMAO We figured it was the last "land food" we would have for a few days .. and the ship food SUCKS right now. Ugh. So I went for a sandwich at the mess and then headed up to the back of Horizon Court to get on the net, both for work and for play. So that is where I am now

Yesterday was quiet - just chilled out after we came back from town. Went up to the Wardie at around 8.30pm, but got side tracked to Vicky's cabin for a little goodbye wine and cheese for Jane .. she was leaving this morning :( Went up to the Wardie around 9.30 finally.

I had a good time, but I was really missing Lee. I know we were only together for like a minute, but since he was such a good mate already - we didnt need that 'get-to-know-you' time. We had already had lots of talks about stuff before we even got to where we were last week; he was everything I wanted in a 'ship relationship'. I know ending things early with me was too protect his heart, but what about mine???!!!!???


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dry Dock - the first 36 hrs

23 Sept 08
Tully's Coffee (free wi-fi!!) Seattle, WA

It has been a crazy and chaotic first few days of dry dock!! I worked my ass off on Sat and Sun getting the cafes packed up and moved into storage .. whew!!! Thank goodness I was all done by dinner time on Sunday; so now it is just chill out and do whatever I want, when I want. And the cool thing is .. I am getting paid!! woo woo So it makes the 2 days on Sat and Sun worth it

Here are some pics of the ship - the first 3 are of the internet cafe before I finished packing up all the equipment on Sat night (before moving it all on Sun) and then the rest is of the cafe on Monday morning .. then the other pics are of all the construction and craziness going on everywhere in the main atrium areas on deck 7

Dry Dock Pics:

The first night we didnt go ashore - everyone worked hard on Sunday so a bunch of us went to the Wardie and just chilled out there. Andrea and I drank until about 12am and then she had the brilliant idea to order pizza - hey, why not?? So the last pic in the album is of Jamie carrying our pizza through security at the terminal :)

Last night everyone seemed to be off from work (of those who are still working) so we all met in the wardie at 8, had a few drinks and then headed off into town. We went to Belltown first, but it was dead, so we headed to Pioneer Square. It wasn' t all that busy either - we had a drink in a place called J&M's and then decided where to head next. There was an Irish bar called Fado (my US friends will know it - it is a chain) and we went there. It was much more busy than the other bars. We hung out there a while and had some good drinks and food. We tried to steal a table from a couple who was finishing up, but they ended up letting us sit with them and they stayed and hung out; they were David and Emily from Sacremento, CA. We left a little later to meet up with some more crew who were at another irish bar called Kells - we had a hard time finding it, but finally we did. And the funny thing was - David and Emily came with us LOL (we are a cool group of peeps!!) I have a bunch of silly pics from the night - we got back around 1am - Andrea and I brought Christian home as he was out of his tree!!!

Night Out in Seattle:

So right now Andrea and I are just pounding the *free* internet for a while and people watching. We will head back to the ship in a bit and then I am not sure what I am going to do later on tonight. We sail to San Fran tomorrow morning - so this is our last night in Seattle.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

My Wacked Out Night

20 Sept 08

Ok so my day started with some of the normal pax bullshit .. yippee! Then it got worse when I got into an argument with my friend Marcus (over IM no less!) and then to top it all off, the guy I was seeing for about a min, broke things off early. Yeah yeah I know I didnt write about it .. sorry I dont know why I have been so anti-blogging this week.

Long story short - one of my good mates, Lee (medical team) and I got together. We knew it probably wasn't the best idea since he is leaving tomorrow - but we have liked each other a while and just couldnt help it. We said we would just let it happen naturally and when he left, we would just stay friends. Apparently it was too much (ship life man is crazy .. a week with someone is like a month .. you are with each other all the time. its like CAMP!!!) and he said we were getting too attached and wanted to end it now, since it would be too hard on him come Sunday. Well I was just gutted. I didnt see it coming and was in a right state afterwards.

So I ran into Sheryl on my way home (it was only 9pm) and she dragged me to her cabin to talk .. I am so lucky I have a cool roommate - even if she doesnt live with me LOL I chatted with her for a bit then went back to my cabin. I still was quite upset, so .. what do you do when you need to relax? Open the wine!!! :) So I sat in my cabin, having a good cry and a glass of wine! (ok a few) Not good really - so I paged Jemma and she came up so I could talk. We talked for a bit then I started to feel better - so she left and went to go get dressed for the Wardie party. I did the same and continued to have some wine to relax me. I went down to her cabin to get her and we had a few glasses of wine there. She ended up bailing out on me - so I went to the Wardie myself. I was already flyin' by the time I got up there LOL

Here are the few pics I have: (I look good for being plastered, eh?? LMAO!)

Needless to say I am not sure how I got home or when .. but when I woke up this morning all the lights were on in my cabin, as was the tv. LOL But the good thing is, I somehow managed to bring home the unopened bottle of wine!!! (Liz - you would be proud!!)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Catching up

18 Sept 08

Wow, sorry - I didnt realize I hadnt posted in almost a week!

Nothing much going on - working a lot to get things ready for dry dock next week. Packing up computers and making arrangements and plans to do the rest of it, etc

Haven't even been off the ship this week - couldn't be assed. Was going to do some souvenier shopping, but figured there isnt anything I want that I dont already have from somewhere else. So I talked myself out of it :)

Big, big party tonight - leavers blowout party in the Wardie .. I am all ready to go (and its only 7.45pm - I have lots of time to wait!!)

Last Victoria night tomorrow - so everyone is going out for a big party there as well. I am going to be hurting on Sunday .. and I have to work!! (once the pax leave, the refurb starts!!)

I am sure there will be pics to follow from tonight :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rated X

13 Sept 08
Approaching Victoria BC

I am not sure where to start - my head hurts, I am tired and I probably need a drink to straighten me out; does that give you a clue about how the RLD party went? :) I didnt leave there till almost 4am - and I am never there that late LOL

The party was a hoot - not as many people dressed up as I thought there would have been. Of course my girls dissed me once again for getting into fancy dress - the buggers!! I was pretty proud of my outfit - I mean I wasn't dressed like the Cruise Staff girls, but I don't have the body for that anyway. So I will warn you - there are some pretty provacative pics - give people alchohol and a stripper pole and who knows what craziness will happen!!! :)

Red Light District Party:

Friday, September 12, 2008

Toga! Toga!

11 Sept 08
(can you believe it has been 7 yrs???)

As I am sure many of you will discuss today, I will never forget where I was when I found out about the WTC. Never forget the feeling I had that day when I stood at my desk and watched the towers fall like match sticks in the wind. Never forget the emptiness I feel *every* time I go to NYC and don't see those towers standing high and proud above the rest of the city.


On a happier, more fun note we had a Toga Party in the wardie last night. Normally, I don't do toga. But the girls convinced me and promised they would help me. Of course after Steph dressed me all up - it seems Jane and Vicky bailed out and Steph couldn't be bothered to get dressed up!! :( Effers! LOL

My outfit wasn't too bad and not all that "Omar the Tentmaker" looking .. but my hair piece was the hit. I got it in Fred Meyers and it is a candle wreath LOL!!! Just pulled my hair through the middle and Steph pinned some of the leaves down. Check out the pics.

Toga Party:

Ok, so one more party to go - Red Light District - tomorrow night. I have a kick butt outfit, I am pumped up! I can't wait for it .. should be a hoot .. and its being run by the cruise staff and they are always so creative, so I will keep you posted!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Nothing Better Than Friends When You Are Down

9 Sept 08

Last night was the masquerade party; I still planned to go to the disco but had to do some washing first. Well I put the wash in, came back to my cabin and flopped on my bed. Had been stressed all day about my Mum being in the hospital (for those of you who don't know already, sorry - but I promised her I wouldnt post her personal life here) so needless to say my emotions ran deep last night and I had myself a good cry. I hated being away from her when she was there and I was here. It sucks!!!! I was so blue, I couldn't bring myself out of it to get dressed so I never made it to the crew bar. Oh well

I was still quite down this morning, so after I finished work I called Sheryl (who was asleep) and Terry (who had to work) and the nurses (Vicky and Jane) to see if anyone would take me off this damn ship! I knew I wouldnt go alone as I didnt have the energy; Vicky said her and Steph were going ashore for a wander, a few errands and lunch; so I begged them to let me come with them. (not like I needed to really beg LOL) I am sooo pleased I went with them; I feel so much better! (though I did have a nice cry when I saw them but they have me a big hug and told me everything would be alright)

So we did a few errands, wandered through the shops on Creek Street (Steph hadn't been there yet) after we had lunch and then went to the Lumberjack show :) But before we went to the show, we stumbled across a Salvation Army .. perfect for looking for costumes!! I found out the 80's party was going to be a Toga Party .. hmmm, well if I do dress up for that - I only need a sheet LOL. So as I was looking through the racks of things, Steph found a plastic-fake leather jacket (in my size!!) which was perfect. Then I found a pair of pants I could cut off at the crotch and make into a skirt .. and then I found a flimsy, cheesy red top with sequins and furry pieces on it .. and ready for this??? All of it for $4.16!!! I spent more for my lunch at Halibut Hole!! :) (and it is cheap there!)

So costumes in hand, we headed over to the Lumberjack Show - and here's another perk - crew get in for free! Yippee .. it was a cool little show and the one guy was OMG HOT!!! Take a look at the pics: ( I wanted to bring him back to the ship as my souvenier!! )

Lumberjack Show:

After the show, we did a few more errands (I was looking for black stockings) and then headed back to the ship. I spoke to my brother a short while after and he had just been to see Mum and he said she was recovering well and looked and sounded a LOT better than the previous day. If all stays well with her, she should be discharged tomorrow and can go home - fingers crossed!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh What A Night!

8 Sept 08
at sea

Ok, well there were 2 nights that were just great! Starting off with Friday night, we had a Back To School Party in the wardie .. what a blast!! I can't even tell you what time I left .. no clue! The bar stayed open till 2, which was good; yet very bad!! LOL There was the normal craziness and it probably was the best turnout for people in costume. I am not going to give a lot of details; The pics say it all :)

Back to School party:

This ship is nuts for its fancy dress parties!! Its great, don't get me wrong - but holy moly:)

Tonight we have a Masquerade party in the crew bar; Wed night is an 80's party in the Wardie and Fri night is the "red light district" party in the wardie. Yikes! I need a whole wardrobe just for the parties!! I am not sure I can do a mask for tonight as I can't seem to locate my contact lenses. I never wear them, so there is a chance I didn't bring them. (I only wear them at the beach) I will have to do some more digging later today. If I cant find them - I will not be wearing a mask as it would look stupid over my glasses. I am think I can figure something out for the 80's party; but I am at a loss for the RLD one. What could *I* possibly wear??


Saturday night out in Victoria was a lot of fun. I was going to bail out, but Vicki basically told me she would never talk to me again LOL So with our friendship on the line, I ended up going out with them. Turned out to be over 10 of us and we went to Irish Times in town; what a hoot! They had a fabulous celtic band and we had good food, good drink (I had a wonderful cider - I liked it so much I had 4 of them!!) and of course good laughs! I didnt bring my camera, but Lee did so I need to get the pics off of him. We made Woody get up and dance with some girls to some irish jig; it was absolutely hilarious!! I tell ya, if it wasn't for the great times I had on this ship, it wouldn't be worth the BS I have to put up with on the work side of things. So thank the high heavens we have a great crew and a fabulous Wardie!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Catching up

5 Sept 08
at sea

So I had a shitty day at work on Wednesday morning; basically I sent an email to my shoreside manager about the pax that called me a bitch. She replied and CC'd in the director, who then emailed me and bitched me out on all the things I must have done wrong. So needless to say I was pissed off, upset and ready to pack it in and go home.

Of course I knew I was over-reacting so I didnt say anything to anyone; I drafted an email back but I didnt send it as I know better to wait it out and sleep on it. Then I talked to Mom who calmed me down (as she always does) and then I stayed in that day. Wasn't in the mood to go out in Juneau as it was cold and drizzling so I stayed in and watched about 5 episodes of House, then took a nap. I was more relaxed later that day and wrote a nice, cordial email back to my director. (I still didnt send it till Thursday morning)

I went up to the Wardie that night and it felt better to talk it over with my friends. It seems it is very common for shoreside to say things like that; Jemma told me that even though she doesnt cover my dept for Personnel and Training, I could come and chat with her anytime - which made me feel better. Also, a few of them told me they would refuse to let me quit .. which made me feel good and loved :)

So after too many drinks in the wardie and waking up with my normal hangover headache (right between the eyes) I got up on Thursday and went to work .. of course 5 mins after I got there I was searching for my coffee :) Met up with my friend Jelena, who is my counter part on the Island Princess, for breakfast in Skagway at 10.30. Was done and back on the ship by about 12.30 or so and then I took a nap. Had a bad tummy ache (I think I drink too much coffee and eat too much salad) I felt better when I got up.

Today was a sea day and it wasnt too busy - I am just finishing up my shift now and then I am going to go get ready for tonights party. Back to School night at the Wardie! I have most of my outfit but I need a tie!! I was supposed to get one from Keenan, but I haven't seen him today. So when I finish now I will go and see if I can find him; if not, I will have to make a few calls to the guys for someone to lend me one. I will have my camera with me of course :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ketchikan Day with the Ladies

3 September 08
leaving Juneau, AK

So the other night when we were out in Victoria, Sally (the captain's wife) asks a bunch of us to go to lunch in Ketchikan at the top of the mountain (not as high as Juneau's Mt Roberts) but you still take a tram. I thought it would be cool and I hadnt been up there yet so I said sure

Well after a night of dancing at the disco - the next morning Sally pops by to confirm the meeting place, but mentions the tram isnt working :( That means we have to hike it up there! Eeeek! Ok - it really isnt all that high, but still!! It had to be over 5 stories high - so it is quite an incline.

Anyway .. I dragged myself, huffing and puffing - yes it was worth it as it was very pretty up there and it wasnt raining (I wouldnt have done it in the rain or if the ground was wet - everyone knows I can be a klutz and I have a bad habit of falling - so you can bet I would have been on the ground!) Needless to say, I was sore yesterday afternoon!

Here are some pics I took from up top as well as heading back down - make sure to check out the salmon jumping *UP* the falls. Pretty cool eh?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mugsy Update

2 Sept

Spoke to Mom today and Mugsy came home yesterday and is doing much better. The pressure in his eye is down to 10 (I think Mom said 15 is the breakpoint for being too high) He is on a lot of medication; Drops, gels, pills - not to mention doggy Tylenol for the pain. My poor baby!

At least 'Grandma' is taking very good care of him. She has a good schedule of his meds and is giving him lots of attention. (she adores him - how can you not?! He is such a good dog) He is eating and drinking well again and seems happy to be home and in less pain. The vet said he could have permanent damage in his vision in that eye, but they just need to monitor him to see how he does. Most dogs can get around just fine using their other senses, so even if he is blind in the one eye, we wouldn't really notice. (as long as he remembers his 'Mommy' I dont care)

It is very likely the same thing will happen in his other eye. It could be next week, next month or next year. But the vet told Mom what to look for now, so they might be able to catch it earlier. I am thinking good thoughts and staying positive! Thanks to everyone who sent their good wishes for him ((hugs))

Monday, September 1, 2008

I am fuming!

1 Sept 08

Oooh, I am just soo pissed off right now - these effing pax! The cheaper the cruise - the dumber they are. But the cheaper they get too. And the freakin ruder!!!

This is what just happened in the cafe: ( I am copying and pasting from my email to the Staff Purser so I don't have to retype it)

Hello Billy

I wanted to let you know of a particularly rude and inconsiderate passenger who was in my café this evening.

Ms. Hessling-Kraus came into the café and asked a few questions about getting online with her Platinum status. I told her the option she had for maximizing her credit; she then complained that it used to be more mins for that money. I apologized and said I was unsure of the previous way, but as of June, this was the set up for Platinum CC Members.

When she went to log in on the computer – she did her thing but after a few minutes told me she was stuck on the verifying account screen (she said it to me from the desk she was at) I replied that she was stuck in a loop on the satellite and to just click on logout and then log back in – then I apologized for the inconvenience. (it is a satellite issue that happens every so often – nothing we can do about it – but it doesn’t take up and minutes or money as they haven’t even logged in fully yet)

She then must have had another problem – but didn’t say anything to me, or even ask for my help. She just said loudly “ well if this little bitch working here would get out of her seat, I could get something done” I then got up and went over to her and said “ma’am, if you need my help all you need to do is ask; I heard what you said and I didn’t appreciate it” And she then said “I said it so you could hear me” and I said “there was no need for you to say anything to that nature” and she replied “you better walk away as you do not want to continue this conversation with me!” So I walked away as to not disrupt the rest of the café or cause a scene. But that was 100% uncalled for.

This kind of behavior is unacceptable – I don’t care that she is a passenger; everyone still deserves respect. I want this documented asap in Focus File please.

(Focus File is where we get to put info in on particularly out of the ordinary circumstances for the shore side dept of PCL to see)

Whew - I am still steaming!!! Absolute bitch she was! And she wasn't even a paying pax!! She gets a $75 credit in the Internet Cafe ..!! Grrrrrrrrr!!!

My "Weekend"

31 August 08
departing Seattle

Last night was Victoria BC - there was a group of us going out for dinner for Sheryl's birthday which was the day before. We met at the terminal taxi stand and about 6 of us went to this greek restuarant called Pereklis. Awesome food!! I wasn't all that excited but it was for Sheryl's birthday (and she did what I wanted on mine LOL) but I was more than pleasantly surprised at how good everything was. (of course I had heartburn all night from the hummus, but eh - whatever!) Several more peoplWe had a nice long dinner; good food, good laughs - I love that kind of thing!

When we came back to the ship - the usual thing to do is all go back to the Wardie. Everyone does there own thing in ports, then regroup in the Wardie after 10.30 (when crew is due back onboard) I always have to go and shut down the cafe, so I go up after 11. However, I got stuck helping some last min pax print boarding passes and I was there till midnight. I left and got halfway there then changed my mind and went to bed. I should have gone as I heard it was a ball - but I wasn't feeling the best (heartburn) so I scrapped the idea. Got paged twice wondering where I was - but I didnt reply (at least I now have friends who want me around! LOL)

Seattle Sunday was cool - the week before there had been talk of going on the "Ride The Ducks" tour and so I met up with Jane, Vicki and Steph from the Medical Team and Sam (one of the dancers) at Jane's cabin at 10am. We went into town and went to the Space Needle which is where you get the 'duck duck tour' as Jane calls it. It was really cool - and quite the laugh!! Poor Vicki was sick as a dog (her birthday was the day before and was out way to much and was hurting badly) but we had a laugh about how she was able to pull off being sick in a crisps bag and no one (but us) knew the better!!! You all know how I hate when someone pukes near me, so I was crawled up in Jane's lap practically to get as far from Vicki as possible (sorry Vic!!!) Jane took some hilarious photos - I didn't; I stuck to nice 'scenic ones'

On the tour we saw the Real World Seattle house (you cant see much - just a building with hanging plants) and we also saw the Sleepless in Seattle house - you can definitely tell which one that is if you have seen the movie.

Here are the pics:

After the tour, we took the monorail from the Space Needle back to Westlake Center and then put Vicki in a cab to go back to the ship and sleep :) The rest of us went to Cheesecake Factory to get some lunch. We sat in the bar and the stupids there wouldnt even let us eat lunch b/c they wanted ID from everyone. I had my license, but I am the only american! So we showed them our ship ID - it has everything on it; picture, name, DOB, (height weight, citizenship) and the waitress wouldnt take it. So I asked for the manager. She said she couldn't take it either; the kicker was that Steph had been there the week before and sat AT the bar and wasn't even carded. Whatever!!! I have to tell you - one of my BIGGEST pet peeves about this country .. INCONSISTENCY. Nothing is ever the same answer. It is such crap!!! So I told her " sorry to hear you dont serve crew members when there are 3 ships in every Sunday" She said 'we do serve crew' I said "you cant possibly as 98% of the crew on my ship is non-Us and no one has any other ID than this ship ID; damn shame too - lots of business you just lost from my ship!" And I turned and walked out :) God I can be a bitch sometimes!!! LMAO!

So we went around the corner to the Pacific Mall and went to a mexican place there. Wow that food was yum!! We were getting very close to the time we needed to be back on the ship (crew has a 2.30pm curfew) so we hurried it along, finished up and went out to get a cab. It took several mins to hail one (the city was packed with people yesterday!!) and we got back with just a few mins to spare. As we walked to the ship, Seco was standing on the gangway holding up his watch!! Uh oh ... so we started to hussle it along! I clocked in (we have to swipe our ID's everytime we go off and then come back on the ship) at 14.29.21!! HOLY CRAP! If we are late - they take our ID's off of us, we get yelled at and they usually keep them for a whole cruise :( So whew - we were lucky!!

Once I got onboard - I went to change then came to the cafe to set up the new cruise. Then once boat drills started I left and did my normal phone call routine (call both sets of parents) When I spoke to my Mom, I could tell something was wrong. Turns out they had to take Mugsy (my dog) to the emergency vet; he was having some trouble seeing and looked like he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. The vet sent them to another specialist who said he has glaucoma :( He had a lot of pressure on the one eye, which was basically giving him pain which is like a migraine to us; my poor baby. They had to keep him overnight as the pressure still wasnt low enough to send him home. Will keep you all updated on that. :sigh: