Tuesday, March 25, 2008


24 March 08
Orangestad, Aruba

I have to say - I am quite disappointed .. Aruba was so great the last time I was here ( with Yafa 2 yrs ago .. and it was great then - wow! LOL) Anyway, 90% of the stores were closed .. for "Easter Monday" Is that really a holiday? Did The Big J really do anything special that day ? Wouldn't he be tired from rising from the dead the day before?? :) Sorry - not meant to offend anyone .. but I think Easter Monday is just some BS reason to have off another day from work.

Anyway - Amie and I were going to go to the beach, but the weather was overcast and very windy .. I hate wind on the beach!! So we opted to just walk around - not knowing EVEYTHING was closed - ugh. After we had a little lunch we ended up going back on the ship to lay out .. no point in wasting money to go to the beach on a crappy day when we can lay on deck for free :) Snoozed in the semi-sun up there the rest of the afternoon - was quite nice since the wind kept you cool (the sun is HOT) and we both got some nice color too.

Here are the pics from Aruba:
as you can see .. it was a GHOST TOWN (compared to the last time I was there)


Worked last night till 11, then there was a Photo Lab party for Jenny's birthday - not a whole bunch of people, but my normal crew bar buddies - was cool since I didn't need to be in Rig of the Day .. so I wore JEANS! Bloody hell I was a happy camper to put jeans on! Good time had by all!


1 comment:

Sam Byrne said...

LMAO!! Hey if the UK didn't have Easter Monday as a Public Holiday then we'd only have 7 public holidays in a year, remind me again how many do the US have each year? ;-) LOL !!!