Monday, June 23, 2008

Oy! What a day .. and its only half over!

23 June 08
At Sea; heading to Visby, Sweden

I am soo very frustrated right now; first off the satellite is absolute CRAP today so obviously with that comes complaining passengers. God forbid, anyone actually reads the plasma screens in here. And secondly, I don’t know if I have had it with the Brits (sorry Sam, Gill, Crissie) but these pax seem to get thicker on every cruise.

Had a guy who came in several times today to use the net; Internet kept going out so he would come back. One of my workstations is down, so when he sat at that terminal (the whole thing is off BTW) I told him that machine was not working. Would you believe when he came back later on, he sat there again? And then a freaking 3rd time?? He said the one time “oh, it isn’t fixed yet?” Yeah dude, I repaired the PC in the 15 mins that you were gone! RME!!

Now I have a pax in here that sat looking for the outlet for 10 mins before asking for help. I told her (when she asked about it before sitting at the laptop table) that it was in the cabinet. When she asked for help, she said “is it in the cupboard?” And I said yes. She said “well you didn’t say that, you said cabinet” Oh for the love of Mike! English and Americans aren’t that different that she didn’t know the cupboard was also the cabinet. There is only ONE there! Jeezus, use your freaking brain lady!

Whew! I had to get that out or I was going to throw myself overboard.

Rumor has it that tomorrow we are going to be at sea. The weather here is nasty; strong winds and rain and some rough seas too. Ventura couldn’t get into Copenhagen this morning because of it and now we aren’t supposed to get into Visby, Sweden tomorrow. I will just cry if it is another sea day. I would normally welcome it b/c it could increase revenue; however, most of the time when we have to miss ports, the pax get pissy and stop spending. Not to mention that I have no idea what the satellite will be like. Only thing could be that if the sat is good .. they might still come in. Fingers crossed!

Anyway I am posting some, ok lots of pics from the disco the other night. It was Gemma’s birthday so we all went out for some good fun. We had gotten her a cake and then we all sang to her .. then the disco got underway. The pics after the disco were from Jack’s cabin (again) since they have the biggest cabin to fit us all in. Then Clare took my camera “for a minute” and because I was so enamored with my bottle of wine, I lost track of the time she had it. So there are lots of silly pics of Clare and Gemma before I showed up to her cabin and took it back.

Some of them are a little "racy" so viewers beware! :)


Sam Byrne said...

Sorry to read about the Crown Princess my sweet LOL I'd been telling people too that that was your next ship - don't these MTN managers know that we all have a vested interest in your next ship? LOL You'll prolly get something even better now!

Oh for the love of God a cabinet IS a cupboard and that pax was just playing on your American accent because she was indeed bloody stupid!! Vent away, no apology needed!

Gemma's brithday looked fun but I think you over managed our expectations I was expecting real "raciness" these were tame ;-)


Kelly said...

Those pax stories are actually quite funny - keep sharing ;-)